New Tyres

I got the new Tyres fitted yesterday. Finally she's starting to look like a respectable off road machine. And...with those 33", she should start performing like one too.

Oh..and the wheels...I painted them Black. I used VHT wheel paint. I used a wire brish to clean the wheels up, then sanded them.....then about 3 coats of filler-primer...then 4 coats of black and 2 coats of clear. I was faitly happy with how they came up. Oh...tip of the week....wear a proper respirator when using spray paints....I didn't and I though I had enough ventilation....I felt crap all of the next day.

I still have a small issue to sort out with the suspension but overall I am happy with the progress to date.

I may have to change the flares though...they are a bit close to the tyres and I am not sure if they stick out enough.

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