Suspension - Part 1

We had a go at installing the suspension on Sunday. This took way longer than expected, largely to the sheer amount of build up crap on the underside of the car. We also had problems with the bushes on the rear passenger side. a result only 3 of the springs are in and the whole system still needs tightening up and greasing. That will have to wait 'till next weekend.

The wheels are coming along ok. More paint is coming off. I plan to get in and tackle that a bit more on a couple of evenings this week.

Oh...and the carport is done (I think). The drainage pipe is up and it has been tapped into the storm water.

I am a bit annoyed that I didn't get the suspension finished on the weekend but as far as I can tell the lift looks awesome. I cant wait to see it when it is done.

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